X-Men Origins: Wolverine Ending Explained
| 2009Directed by: Gavin Hood
Main Plot
"X-Men Origins: Wolverine," directed by Gavin Hood, delves into the backstory of the iconic Marvel character, Wolverine. The film traces Logan's early years, starting with his traumatic childhood and the discovery of his mutant abilities. It follows his journey alongside his half-brother Victor Creed, as they fight in various wars and eventually join a covert military team led by William Stryker. Disillusioned by the team's brutal methods, Logan leaves and attempts to lead a normal life. However, tragedy strikes, pulling him back into conflict. Stryker offers Logan a chance for revenge through the Weapon X program, which infuses his skeleton with indestructible adamantium. As Wolverine, he seeks to confront his past and the forces that manipulated him, leading to intense battles and revelations about his origins. The film explores themes of identity, loyalty, and the struggle between one's nature and choices.
- Hugh Jackman plays Logan, also known as Wolverine, who seeks revenge against Victor Creed and uncovers secrets about his past and the Weapon X program.
- Liev Schreiber plays Victor Creed, also known as Sabretooth. He is Wolverine's half-brother and primary antagonist, driven by rivalry and a desire for power.
- Ryan Reynolds plays Wade Wilson, also known as Deadpool. Initially, he's a wisecracking mercenary who later becomes a mutated antagonist with various powers.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine,' directed by Gavin Hood, the climactic battle unfolds at Stryker's secret facility on Three Mile Island. Logan, also known as Wolverine, confronts his half-brother Victor Creed (Sabretooth) and the newly created Weapon XI, a mutant amalgamation controlled by Stryker. Despite their animosity, Logan and Victor temporarily join forces to defeat Weapon XI. After a fierce battle, Logan decapitates Weapon XI, ending the immediate threat. Following the fight, Logan finds his love interest, Kayla Silverfox, who has been mortally wounded. She uses her dying strength to compel Stryker to walk away until his feet bleed, ensuring he cannot harm anyone else. Logan attempts to carry Kayla to safety, but she succumbs to her injuries. As Logan mourns, Stryker returns and shoots him with adamantium bullets, causing severe brain trauma. This results in Logan losing his memory, a crucial plot point that aligns with his character's arc in the broader X-Men series. The film concludes with Logan wandering away, unaware of his past, setting the stage for his future adventures.